the walls we build//chapter one

chapter one: lonely is as lonely does



Sierra Aldridge sat alone in the brightly lit dining hall of the Helena Country Club. Young boys and girls darted across the Victorian carpeted room in maroon colored vests and white button downs. The midday sunlight was streaming through the French doors behind her, bouncing their rays of the crystal chandeliers precariously dangling above everyone’s table.

Sierra’s freshly nude manicured hand perfectly poised her chin in one hand, her other hand drumming a beat on the lace tablecloth. The Levi’s were always late. She didn’t know why she bothered with them anymore. Oh, that’s right. The Aldridge’s and the Levi’s children had gone to the same school and church since birth. There were some ties you could never just up and sever. Especially not in Helena.

“Would you like any more wine, Mrs. Aldridge?”

Sierra lazily looked up at the silly waiter. Those who knew her didn’t ask. She didn’t recognize him––he must have just gotten hired.

“Of course,” Sierra drawled, redirecting her attention to staring at the entrance, almost wishing the Levi’s never showed up and she could drink wine alone in this sad little place that she somehow couldn’t ever stay away from.

The cabernet couldn’t be back fast enough. She heard them before she saw them.

“Oh, please, Ron. Get off my ass for one second, won’t you?”

The Levi’s most beloved quality is that they were never not arguing. It’s no exaggeration. Rumor has it that they even argue in their sleep.

Eloise and Ronald Levi. Loveliest couple in Helena.

Sierra forced her Bobbi Brown painted lips into a smile and reluctantly stood out of her seat to greet them.

Eloise hurried over in a sea of clinking silver jewelry, fur, and Dior. She embraced Sierra fiercely with her cold, clammy hands.

“Oh, honey. I am so sorry we’re late! The damn housekeeper held us up. We just hired her, and she can’t seem—”

Eloise Levi was a big fan of exaggerating her words with her airy, breathless voice. She also was known to open her mouth and never shut it again. As Sierra tuned out of one of Eloise’s rants, she had no idea how she had dealt with the woman for so long.

Ron quickly greeted Sierra and adjusted his sportscoat as he went to take a seat. Anger always lived in his eyes. Sierra had never seen the man laugh or smile. With a wife like Eloise, she really couldn’t blame him. Then again, who was Sierra to judge.


“So, Sierra. How do you feel about the kids about to leave so soon?”

Sierra finally snapped back into the conversation. Ron had disappeared, most likely to the bar, and left the two ladies to chat amongst themselves. Well, really, Eloise to chat, Sierra to nod and agree every so often.


Sierra sighed. Time to pretend.

“I’ve been trying not to think about it. Seems like just yesterday we were dropping them off at St. Rita’s for kindergarten.” She could’ve been sick.

Sierra’s son, Mills, and Eloise’s daughter, Riley, were in the same grade and had grown up together. As children, they were inseparable, which had started Sierra in on the annual country club visits.


Eloise began fanning herself. “Oh—I could cry!” She suddenly reached for the kerchief in her lap and dabbed daintily at her eyes. She was always one for the theatrics. In high school, she was always the lead in every play. Now, she was the star of her own show, except no one was interested in watching anymore.


Sierra reached across the table and patted her arm for comfort. Eloise grabbed her fiercely.

“At least we have each other.”

Sierra smiled.


A half hour later, the strawberry summer salad and the calamari were out. Their time would be coming to an end. Not without some gossip.


“Oh, Sierra. I know that you have heard about that Jerome boy.”

Sierra paused before taking another sip of wine. Her fourth glass. “No, what about him.”


Eloise’s eyes widened and she sat down her glass with a thud, sending the pinot slipping and sliding within the glass.

“Well—let’s just say Oliver Jerome is about to have no future here in Helena.”

As if there was much of one to begin with, Sierra thought.


As Eloise gasped and drawled her way through the story, this is what Sierra got. First, the backstory. Oliver Jerome was the son of Pierre and Shannon Jerome, one of the wealthiest families in Helena. They owned the Pacific Pines Golf Course chains and nearly half of Helena. Pierre had inherited his company from his parents. Oliver was now a freshman in college at the University of Georgia. Everyone had loved Oliver, even from a young age. He was like Helena’s sweetheart. He was kind, smart, gorgeous—Helena had been proud to call Oliver her own. Of course, this is only how Oliver presented himself to the general public. The doting families and friends didn’t know the real Oliver Jerome, which apparently consisted of dollar bills and pretty white lines. And how exactly did Helena get her heart broken by her very own? Shannon had gone to visit Oliver as a surprise for his birthday only to find him coked out in his bedroom, high out of his mind.

Happy Birthday Oliver.


“They just don’tknow what they’re going to do. Bless their hearts. God, I can’t imagine. I just can’t,” Eloise exclaimed, her spray-tanned hand over her heart.

Sierra feigned surprise. “Gosh…that’s terrible. We’ll need to pray for them.”

Eloise raised her glass in agreement.

Sierra wasn’t surprised because all of Helena’s elite spawn had issues. Of course, they did. Look at who they had for parents.


Pierre Jerome was known for abusing his dear wife Shannon. Word spreads fast in a town like Helena. He was always very careful, always meticulous. Never when the kids were home. Never where anyone could hear. Never where anyone could see. Usually, it occurred in their basement, where Pierre would pull Shannon down the steps by her strawberry blonde hair.

It had happened for years before the truth ever came out. While Pierre was cautious about his beatings, Shannon was cautious about her bruises. She became a perfectionist at covering and concealing with makeup, clothing, and jewelry. No one would ever know. That’s how she wanted it. To appear meek to the public was about the worst humiliation she could ever imagine.

Yet, one day, on a late muggy June afternoon, while the kids were out at camp or with friends, the Jerome’s let their guards down. Maybe it had to do with the full moon the night before. Or maybe it was time for the truth to be revealed.

This time it was because Shannon didn’t put Pierre’s coffee cup back in the correct spot. Other times it could’ve been for dinner not being on time, his shirts not correctly steamed­–really just about anything. Shannon living and breathing was enough to set Pierre off. He lived with an uncontrollable rage he kept hidden–except from his wife.

Pierre grabbed Shannon and habitually dragged her down the steps. Pierre’s rage caused him to pull too forcefully this time, causing her to miss a step and land haphazardly on her ankle. Shannon allegedly yelped audibly, so someone else around could have heard her.

Wrong place, wrong time.

Pierre had been so enraged he forgot his business partner was coming over to have a meeting with him. Camden Frasier had just arrived the minute Shannon fell. Now, Pierre wasn’t one for having people just walk into his home, although him and Camden had been partners and best friends for years. Yet, Camden had decided to park his car in the back of the house, rather than the front. The basement windows were in the back of the house. Camden had heard the yelp but decided not to look into it. As he made his way to the front door, he could hear what he thought was fighting. Camden had known Pierre for years and surely, he couldn’t be beating his wife! Camden, confused, hurriedly went to the front and phoned his wife, naturally, instead of stepping in. But who is another man to interfere in another’s man marriage anyway? That’s a whole other story.

Camden’s wife reminded him there was a television downstairs and one of the children had probably left it on. Mr. Frasier was such a worrywart as it was, with a tendency towards a vivid imagination. Camden believed his wife, put it out of his mind, and carried on with the business meeting with the unsuspecting Pierre Jerome.

Yet, Camden had felt no peace of mind. Shannon didn’t come around once, not even to greet him as he entered or left. Camden had even asked about her, to which Pierre allegedly replied, “She’s very sick. You know how she is, she worries so much about other people she didn’t want to risk getting you sick.”

Camden was not convinced and begged his dear wife Amy Leigh to check on Shannon. Amy Leigh thought her husband was absolutely crazy, but obliged. The following day Amy Leigh went over to the Jerome’s, while Pierre was at work. As they sat on the porch and had brunch, the family golden retriever had barked suddenly at the mailman. Shannon had become startled and dropped her fork. As she bent down to grab it, that’s when Amy Leigh saw it. The dark purple bruise just below her neck. Amy Leigh began to question her, but Shannon had remained calm and stated, “Honey, I’m afraid he misheard. I had been cleaning up and spilled water at the top of the steps. When I went to do laundry, I had fallen down them. It was awful. Camden does have quite the imagination on him, Amy. You know this. I was also quite sick at the time. I can’t be spreading germs around our successful husbands.”

Naturally, Amy Leigh didn’t buy these lies and pretty soon everyone in Helena Hills had heard about the Jerome’s. It had been reduced to small town fiction, but most people knew the truth. They could see the fear in Shannon’s eyes, the way that Pierre carried himself. They knew the Jerome’s. They knew the truth. Yet, there was nothing to be done. The marriage had to be kept up for appearances. No one wanted to sever their ties with Pierre by outing him as a wife-beater. To know the Jerome’s was like knowing the Queen.

It’s just the way the world worked. Everyone was looking out from themselves.


Lunch had ended, and Sierra finally said her goodbye’s to Eloise and Ron. Ron had reappeared during the last five minutes, smelling of gin and cigar smoke.

“Hate to break up the hens, but we got to go, El. Quinn has those try-outs soon.”

Oh, Sierra had heard all about it. Their best and brightest. The tennis star, Quinn Levi. She was thirteen years old and one of the best young athletes in town.

They said their goodbyes, with Ron rushing Eloise out of the club. Sierra watched them load into the Lexus, knowing damn well they shouldn’t be driving. The Levi’s never knew their limit.


Once Sierra arrived home, she didn’t see anyone’s cars in the driveway. Her husband must have been playing golf, or maybe doing work at the office. Mills was hardly ever home, there was no surprise there. The one she was worried about was her youngest, Bea. Bea had just turned sixteen and used her newfound freedom to escape the house every chance she got. Yet, she always left without so much as a goodbye or a text as to where she was going. Sierra went to text her daughter as she went through the backyard, only to stumble upon a troubling site.


Mills, sitting on the back porch, smoking a cigarette, empty beer cans spread all around him.

“Christopher Mills Aldridge. What the hell are you doing?” Sierra stormed up the porch, snatching the Marlboro from his lips and throwing it to the ground, stomping it out.

“What does it look like?” He glanced up at his mother, no emotion in his silvery-blue eyes.

“This–What is this?” Sierra didn’t know what to say. “This is so out of character for you.”

Suddenly, she stopped. “Mills, where is your car?”

Mills cracked open another beer. “Wrecked.”

Sierra closed her eyes. “Mills…why?”

“Do you really want to know, mother?”

Mills was her mystery child. Always secretive, always emotionless, yet never bad. He just had always seemed to be in a world of his own. Sierra had talked to doctors, therapists, etc. They all said the same thing: “Give him his space.” Sierra obliged. She wasn’t going to hover around him his whole life. Sierra understood he had a life separate from her own. But this, Sierra didn’t have an answer for. She was confused. Her arrival home should not be greeted by her intoxicated son.

Sierra had moved to Helena for her husband, but it just seemed that Helena was a toxic loophole no could escape. No one was safe, not even Sierra’s own family, who took every precaution to make sure her children didn’t end up like Oliver Jerome.

But then again, she didn’t understand. She never would if she didn’t try.

So, she sighed, pulled up a chair beside her son, grabbed a beer, and said, “Talk to me.”

crazy girls

maybe we were supposed to bite our tongues, flaunt, be confident, shake our hair to the wind, and be the young and wild and free girls we were destined to be.


but this wasn’t always our reality. we wanted to synthetically transform into the Barbie of their dreams.

so we would squeeze all of our insecurities, all of our doubts, and all of our insanities into those too-tight pants that we think they just might like.

it’s why we smiled wider, laughed louder, so maybe their eyes would drift over and meet our very fragile ones for half of a second.

we loved them. wanted to destroy our worlds so maybe we could be a part of theirs for just a little bit of time. all in the hope that they would give you more than a casual hug or a fleeting conversation in the hallway.

but, they…they were the manipulators. they knew how absolutely head over heels we were for their half a seconds and empty promises. and they used it to their advantage.

they were the winners, the conquerors of a single gender species.

but no. let’s forget about that. continue to be open, willing, trusting, loyal. because no one wants to point out their flaws.

only ours. the crazy girls.

they deceive you. they hold your hand and flirt with you and smile coyly at you from across the room. they steadily build up the idea of dating, a beautiful girl and a beautiful boy finally doing something really great together.

(together. music to a crazy girl’s ears)

then, they pull the plug. end it. say they aren’t ready. it’s not time. that you both should move on and focus on other things. we, the worshippers, unravel. heads spinning, wondering where we went wrong.

what’s wrong with us?

they have the nerve to tell us we are the crazy ones, the hell-raisers, dramatic, petty, ungrateful. all of us.

maybe it was a bad idea to throw ourselves into this fire. to give ourselves up to the thing we know will destroy us.

but we pray. we hope. we have blind faith that maybe the heavens will open up and rain will cascade down and eradicate the inferno. calm the soul. make him peaceful again. make him love again.

or at least somehow capable of it.

girls are the lovers and the fighters. we love so it can give us something to fight for. its part of us, built right into our dna.

all i can remember is her sitting on my couch, her eyes stinging red from the tears and thinking, “why?”

this amazing, beautiful, fierce lover shedding her tears over a single boy. one of the strongest people i knew suddenly becoming weak by a single action. it was astonishing how much control these people have over us. how they can sway and dictate our entire mindsets over one single lie.

we ask so many times. we give them opportunities to let us crazy girls go, but they continue to lead us on.

they love the attention we give them because they know how incredibly fierce it is.

how more fierce it will become if they slide one more lie in masked by a sneaky apology and a bright smile, relieved they have more time to sit in the throne we have built up for them in the kingdom of our making.

it’s one of a kind.

our fingers ache as we claw and fight our way through what we think is just a simple misunderstanding. something we can fix, something we can control.

little do we know, you can’t dig your way out of a mindset.

we’ll drown, lost among the endless sea of other girls who lost themselves trying a little too hard for people who just don’t care.

so, i will leave you with this.


it is what we crazy girls were designed to do.

love indefinitely, love infinitely…but never lose the love you have for yourself.


the tips of my fingers trembled as i touched the journal.

i had quoted you endless times. i wanted to know what your words felt like rolling off of my tongue and onto the page.

i took my comfort in you, in this unoriginality. i couldn’t dare face my own creativity.

it was too fierce and wild and took me over with one single exhale of a word. all i could focus on were the do’s and don’ts.

don’t. one command. one life-threatening, soul-altering word.

don’t yell. don’t cheat. don’t fight. don’t push. don’t cry.

everything suppressed, screaming to get out.

i had recreated myself into a pristine, obedient woman. i had created myself into you.

you were the rule follower, the epitome of perfection.

of course, i could never fully become you. but i could try.

i could paint my life in your subtle, pastel colors, hiding the darkness within.

i could suffocate myself in your rainbow of niceties and politeness.

i could choke all of this down, and pretend. but i would always be your opponent. the one standing at the end of the spectrum, inches away from dropping into nothingness.


if i am so aware of this fact, why do i bother? why do i put myself through this pain in order to transform myself from something i cannot escape?

it’s easy. plain and simple and clear. we’re all bred to want something we can’t have.

straight hair, perfect nose, skinnier waist, bronze skin.

it’s programmed into our beings. it’s a natural chase, from the moment we are born.

constantly surrounded by the do’s and don’ts of society.

we inhale the do’s and exhale the don’ts, telling ourselves this is how to survive. to become something we are not. to bury ourselves in the artificiality. to become it.

so that’s where i am. in the endless sea of artificiality, drowning among the others.

while i am struggling to become her, she’s struggling to become someone else. maybe she’s struggling to become me. maybe she wants to strip herself of the inbred pleasantries. the smile she can’t hide. the desire to help, to be selfless, to never let them down. to be that model for them. a leader. maybe she wants to jump across this predestined spectrum and take my place at the precipice. maybe she has darkness too, but she’s just beginning to discover it. maybe she’s had it all along.

funny, right? how everything is opposite? how you never really know who someone is? who they want to be? what they want us to be?

in the end, the choice is really ours

do or don’t.


you breathed fire into me and then watched me disintegrate.
i am no more than the ashes of your making, your doing.
i wished for the passion and the heat. yet now i feel the burns carving scars into my skin.
you lit a spark in me, illuminating even my darkest parts.
you were the wildfire and i, the trees, hopeless to your will, your wrath.
don’t get too close to the flame the warnings i missed, the flashing lights i just wanted to dance to.
your flashes of rust and blue. your colors i cannot forget, burn the edges of my mind, melting everything else away.
you were born to be destructive. all infernos are.
i was naive for thinking i could stand in your path, be resilient to that hell-fire heat.
i never thought you would burn through the deepest parts of me.
seeping into my eyes, my skin, my bones, my heart.
they say never underestimate a flame. now i know its true.
every part of me is ruined, rubble, rust, ash.
i have been reduced to the smallest part of myself, no hope of reconstruction.
the sparkle in your eye was the first mistake, that tiny lick of fire.

i should have run away.

lost & found-the dialogue of soul searching

i want to find you on every map
in every constellation
in every twinkle of their eyes
but yet
in all this searching
where am i?
am i in the ocean?
in the night sky?
in a strangers face?
you see
i spent every second looking for you
i never found myself
now i find myself
on my hands and knees
digging in the soft earth
hoping that i will uncover
my unknown soul
a shining light that will
fill my whole being
i will glow
i will fly
i will find myself at the ends of the earth
and just be

and that’s when you will begin searching for me
two perfect halves
making a perfect whole
no imperfection in love
just two independent souls
ready for the risk of love
the search may cease

thoughts on paper

  1. so, here you are again
    standing on that same, terrifying precipice
    you love it up here
    you always have
    but it scares you
    it rattles your bones and freezes your brain
    until you can’t move
    you feel as if the walls are closing in
    you forget to breathe
    and then a laugh emerges
    a light breeze, letting you know how alive you are
    in this moment
    and you realize
    you can’t give this up
    you could stay here forever
    terrified and ecstatic all at the same time
    on the edge of emotion everyday
    they never said life would be this complicated
    they said it’d be worse
  2. i remember the way the atmosphere shifted
    when we realized we weren’t worth the effort
    the timing, the place
    but i’ll never stop loving you
    i wont forget your face
    or the way the sides of your lips wrinkle when you laugh
    your eyes get so happy
    i wish i could see that side of you again
    with me
  3. its hard to know somebody
    like the back of your hand
    because when they walk away
    you no longer know how to touch
    how to feel
    you no longer recognize that part of yourself
    it has now disappeared


i can feel it
crushing me, suffocating me

its all i can do to stop it from pulling me under
it is sneaky and beautiful and overwhelming
i want to slowly wrap my arms around it and breathe in its sweet scent

just run from it

the shadows will pull you in
entice you with their darkness
they will dance in your heart,
your mind
turn you into something unrecognizable

but can’t you see, my darling?
you are more than the dark corner of a room
more than a drawn curtain over a window

you are the sunshine peeking through the clouds
a lightning bolt slicing through the sky

the shadows have sedated you
and made you see a reality that is not

the sun wants you to wake up,
to see what is real
to understand the thoughts burning through your mind
are not who you are

one day you will be incredibly happy
none of this will matter
the shadows behind you
your eyes will shine and you will never stop smiling
you will hear music in the wind
the stars will be a promise to you, that everything is okay

your heartbeat is a symphony that must be sung
let it sing


a series of random writings


someday we will look back and be filled with overwhelming sadness.
everything we thought we knew was wrong. the world is bigger than it seems, you know.
music makes me feel. my friends make me happy i am alive. i am distant and anxiety-ridden. i beat myself up everyday for my daily decisions.
so what then.
they teach you when you are young to never write in another person’s book.
but i couldn’t help myself.
i wanted to become part of your story.
i wanted to paint myself wild and pretty all across your paper-thin pages, make a mark.
maybe that is my problem. i include myself in another person’s life without consent. it happens fast and all at once. i can’t stop myself from dripping ink onto your hard copies. i ruined them.


you were so good at keeping secrets and i know why
you tried to bury yourself under all the weight
so you could forget who you were


they keep telling me to give it time
and to keep a smile painted on my face
but i have left my canvas out in the rain
watercolor in the streets
and there is no way to recreate
the mess i made


the things you hate
become the things you love
and soon you will drown in your own decisiveness

you will act on a thought
a thought you so desperately wanted to be reality
but you must remember my dear
you cannot force the universe to give you what you want it to



i was not happy for a very long time.
i would watch life past by me in its flying colors and wonder when will it be my time?
i was staring down at an open book, waiting for the pages to flip for me.
my biggest discovery-you make your own happiness.
it comes in waves, gradually.
i’m driving in the city lights, swaying to the music, laughing at the top of my lungs. i am filled to the brim with love.
for life, for people, for me.
surrounded by the best people i know, the best songs, the best stars the galaxy can give me.
beautiful people everywhere i look. a toothy grin, a dimple, hazelnut hair, freckles, moonlight dancing in their bright eyes.
i never thought i would get to this place. never thought i would find my people.
no, i have not reached my full potential. i am learning everyday what it means to live life to the fullest. but i am working with what i have. loving every second God gives me on this finite earth.
a best friend. a rhythm flowing through me. a kiss.
so, perfection does exist. it is believing every second counts, every smile matters, everything you do and say has impact. that friendship is the greatest thing the world has to offer. love. be kind. it is the only thing to do.

my time is now. every breath i take makes me know this is true. it drives me, pushes me to try and make sense of this crazy world.

and it is your time too.


a part of me longs to pry my past open,                                                                                   explore all the mistakes and secrets of long ago.

i’m a new me, and you’re a new you.

when we were younger, we dreamed of this. together. tangled up in hopes and dreams that seemed so incredibly out of reach.

but this is it. we are here. so much older than we even want to be, our desires for the future spread out before us like a never ending fantasy novel.

i want to hold onto everything all at once. i love these people. i love this life. yet, i know it is fleeting.

we continue to grow. we extend our arms wider and cheer louder and love harder. smile wider. our hearts and minds seem to expand past capacity.

who would have thought we were capable of this? we always yearned for this to end, yet here we are, hiding from a new beginning in the comfort of what we have constantly wished away.

we are triumphant children on the brink of adulthood. we see the sun on the horizon and know new things are upon us. we step back and begin a journey backwards to learn to appreciate things we formerly took for granted.

our old lives are on the brink of extinction. we are searching for safety and comfort in all of our surroundings. we are drinking up the last bits of hope before that life is over-forever.

when that sun finally closes in upon us, we will be ready. we will be ready because our former selves have taught us to love and appreciate each other as if life is going to forever change tomorrow.

so, yes. you can live in the past-not forever, not for always. the past helps us reach our full potential in order to travel to the next destination in life. it is a tool used to better ourselves for a new age. use it wisely. never forget the past isn’t supposed to last forever-only to transform us into the best human beings we can be.